mikoko yetu project
Tanzania has one of the largest mangrove areas in East Africa, with almost 160,000 ha. Local communities rely heavily on these mangroves for fuel, food, medicine, construction materials and income. The economic value of the direct use of natural resources in Tanzanian mangroves has been estimated at US$10.3 million per year. However, overuse and shifting agricultural practices have led to significant deforestation and degradation. Over 6,000 ha, representing more than 10% of the total coverage of the Tanzanian mangroves, has been lost since 1991. This continuing trend jeopardizes the livelihoods of local coastal communities and contributes to the impoverishment of the country. Mangrove degradation also threatens the life below water causing erosions and death to marine spp and ecosystems. Mangrove deforestation for salt brines, firewood, timber and firewood has been one of the major causes of mangrove destruction in the Tanzanian coastline. The MIKOKO YETU project eradicates this problem by raising awareness on mangroves conservation and targeting to restore, conserve and protect mangroves in Tanzania also empowering local coastal communities and Youth in sustainable blue economy including the voluntary carbon credit market.
Project type: Blue carbon ecosystem restoration
Project status: ongoing
Our local coastal community and youth working to place the collected mangrove propagules into bags for placing into our constructed mangrove nursery
our constructed mangrove nursery with mangrove seeds
our grown baby mangrove seedlings in our constructed mangrove nursery ready for planting